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"핵연료, 원전 경제성 핵심…
한계 돌파할 ATF 관심 가질 때"


The American Ceramic Society News

"Nanoparticles lower thermal shock stress for ceramics at extreme temperature"

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A Top Editor's Pick of 2018

"A most downloaded (highly read) article in AIP Advances 2018"

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Materials Today

Journal of Nuclear Materials
Best Paper 2021 Prize

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The American Institute of Physics (AIP) News 

"Improved Thermal-Shock Resistance in Industrial Ceramics"

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MIT News

"Improved nuclear-fuel-rod cladding might prevent future Fukushimas"

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Materials Research Society (MRS) Bulletin

"Porous coating protects ceramics from surface thermal fatigue"

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Materials Today

" Nanoparticle coating protects ceramic materials from thermal shock"


지구와 에너지

경제안보 시대의 새로운 뇌관
"우라늄 농축" 시장에서 무슨 일 벌어지나

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지구와 에너지

핵연료 원천기술, 

​종주국 의존서 벗어날 때.

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KNS Cafe News Letters


"원자력의 차세대 리더를 만나다"

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Korea Science Journalists Association

기업사 정신을 담는 

​원자력 발전의 신인류

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