"Advancing Fission Reactor Technology through
System-Oriented Nuclear Fuel Materials Study"
Our research is dedicated to solving the most important challenges of fission reactor technology through a system-oriented approach to nuclear fuel materials. Nuclear fuel engineering is not only fundamental to the advancement of nuclear reactor technology but also crucial in determining the pace of innovation in nuclear power. However, the complexities of fuel material behavior, coupled with the high demands placed on its performance predictability, often serve as the bottleneck for realizing advanced nuclear reactors.
We address this challenge through a holistic approach. By integrating material science and engineering with reactor engineering, utilizing both experimental and computational methods, we demonstrate a unique and highly effective research approach tailored to address the pressing challenges of nuclear reactor technology today.
Our multidisciplinary expertise, combined with a solid understanding of nuclear fuel materials, enables us to extrapolate reactor-scale implications and define technological directions from microscopic material behavior.
Primary research domains and approach
of the Nuclear Materials and Safety Lab
Material Science
and Engineering
Nuclear material experiment:
Exploring new behavior and phenomena
Real-scale fuel behavior demonstration:
Unveiling the complex integral behavior
Nuclear material modeling:
Deepening fundamental understanding
Reactor-scale design and safety analysis:
Finding system-level implications and directions
From hydrogen to reactor systems:
: System-oriented nuclear material study of Lee's Lab
Who we are
Post-quench ductility limits of coated ATF with various
base zirconium-based alloysand coating designs,
Journal of Nuclear Materials